Together we can

Together We Can is a collection of everyday Australians, groups and businesses from all over the country who want more action taken to address climate change. Brought to you by Australian Conservation Foundation.


Join all the Australians standing for Climate Action Now. We agree Australia needs to commit to a safe, healthy future and new jobs, by cutting Australia’s climate pollution by more than half this decade. Every voice is powerful. Over 30,000 people from around the country have shared their climate story by joining the movement. We will share our collective voice with our leaders and we need to hear from you! Join all the Australians standing for Climate Action Now.

We agree Australia needs to commit to a safe, healthy future and new jobs, by cutting Australia’s climate pollution by more than half this decade. Every voice is powerful. Over 30,000 people from around the country have shared their climate story by joining the movement. We will share our collective voice with our leaders and we need to hear from you!

The climate solutions we stand for are proven and ready to go. Let’s get on with it!
• Switch from coal and gas to clean energy
• Power our communities and transport with clean energy
• Send our sunshine around the world with green hydrogen and manufacturing
• Cap political donations, including from coal and gas companies, and improve transparency
• Protect and restore nature to be the lungs that clean the air for wildlife and people

A climate movement for everyone.
• Safe communities: Together We Can create a better future for everyone.
• Healthy environment: Together We Can protect what we love about our country.
• Sustainable economy: Together We Can rebuild our economy with secure, future-proof jobs.

Together we are powerful. We’ve conducted the biggest and most in-depth poll of climate change….Replace gas and coal power with renewable energy and batteries storage is the people’s #1 priority solution for greater action on climate change this decade.
• 67% of people believe benefits they receive from greater action on climate change outweigh any costs involved.
• 69% of people believe greater action on climate change will strengthen the Australian economy.
• 65% of people believe greater action on climate change by the federal government would be good for their health.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Australian Conservation Foundation


Group Status:

Years Active: ,

Geographic Range of Activity:




Website: Together we can

Facebook: Together we can

X: Together we can

Instagram: Together we can