The Future Makers

The Future Makers are an artist-run network including First Nations and settler peoples from all over the globe. We share a vision of climate-positive change through creative non-violence.


The Future Makers are an artist-run network including First Nations and settler peoples from all over the globe. We offer our gratitude to the ancestors who cared for this country over millenia. We grieve for those lost in the frontier wars and for the ongoing depredations of colonisation in the unceded lands of ‘Australia’. We look forward to a future in which the knowledge and custodianship of First Nations peoples are valued and prioritised as central to global recovery, healing and regeneration. Always was, always will be.

The Future Makers are a registered Not For Profit organisation and we are self-managed by a five-person team of artists and activists. We #PayTheRent. The Future Makers are not aligned with any particular ideology, political party or organisation. Climate justice is the future life we are making: an existence of harmonious relations between humans, other living beings and our planet home. We share a vision of climate-positive change through creative non-violence. We welcome collaborations with all artists and collectivities who share our values. The Future Makers are currently blessed with the support of Australian Nonviolence Projects, Climate Action Network Australia and

We, the artists, are the collective key to imagining our new world. We are the visionaries at the centre of the coming storm. This storm will see unprecedented people power sweep the globe. We will feel that power. We will be that power. We already are. We are the future makers. We draw from the well of the unknown and make the impossible real. We create connection and reach for transcendence. We make the future possible. Together we will grow a movement so magnificent it makes its own weather. We will regenerate the forests. Nourish the soil. Cool the oceans. Return the water to the rivers. Honour the elders. Listen to the children. Hold each other in struggle and in celebration. We can start today. We have already begun. It’s all possible. When we dare to dream of the future we deserve, the rest is just logistics.
• Dare to dream.
• Dream your wildest.
• Dream unprecedented dreams.
• And bring them home.

Our Values
Every living thing is priceless
Interspecies solidarity
Equality, dignity and respect for all humans
‘The health of the people is the highest law’
First Nations peoples lead caring for country
Art for everybody
Water is sacred
Economies based on well being
Collective, joyful regeneration of our planet home
Sharing of creative, productive and reproductive work
Communities of care
Restorative justice and healing
Participatory democracy
Sustainable everything

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Website: The Future Makers

Facebook: The Future Makers