This group shares information on the campaigns to stop coal seam gas (CSG) mining, known as fracking. We also oppose other types of fossil fuel energy and support renewable energy. CSG threatens our water supply, native and farm animals, environmental biodiversity, our food supply, human and animal health by releasing toxins and greenhouse gases including methane into our atmosphere, land and water sources.
In 2010, this group started to support the campaign to stop a CSG test drill in St Peters. Members later formed the incorporated association Stop CSG Sydney to promote activism against CSG. In 2014, because of the actions of activists including Stop CSG Sydney, the CSG licences covering the whole of the Sydney basin and Sydney’s water catchment area were cancelled by the NSW government. In 2016, AGL announced it would not proceed with fracking in Gloucester (north west of Newcastle) but intended to continue fracking at Camden (south west Sydney) until 2023. The community does not accept this and wants it to leave now. Santos continues to try to implement CSG mining in the Pilliga state forest near Narrabri NSW, endangering koalas and other native animals. Santos has been responsible for uranium contamination of water sources in the Pilliga. We want NSW to be free of CSG and to convert to renewable energy to protect our environment and health.