Sustainable Macleod

Sustainable Macleod is part of the worldwide Transition Network and aims to build a resilient local community, encouraging residents to shop locally, produce and share their own food, use environmentally-friendly transport and undertake other activities like gardening to promote sustainability. Based in VIC.


Are you a keen gardener? Are you interested in helping create a vibrant, sustainable local community? Would you like to participate with other like-minded people on projects at the community garden? Sustainable Macleod is part of the worldwide Transition Network and aims to build a resilient local community, encouraging residents to shop locally, produce and share their own food, use environmentally-friendly transport and undertake other activities like gardening to promote sustainability.

Every month we organise a veggie swap opposite the Macleod village shops on Aberdeen Road to share excess from our gardens, seeds and other sharable items> It is a good time to meet some other members and have a chat and even go for a coffee. Usually on the third Saturday of the month from 11am-12pm in the rotunda. (no membership or booking is required, Just the standard QR check-in with proof of Vaccination is suggested.) As this public activity was shut down like many due to COVID 19 during 2020-2021 we will be delaying the startup again till the 2022 year.

We operate the Macleod Organic Community Garden (MOCG) at Somers Ave, 500 metres north of May street. There will also be lots of information on other great things happening in the area through check them out at Please note that this is our public Facebook Group To be a member of Sustainable Macleod Inc. and to participate in the community garden and receive the many benefits we have, you need to complete a membership form and pay the annual fee which covers insurance and such. You will receive benefits that will easily outway the small membership fee, Go to for more info. Please make sure to answer the questions if you want to join this group as we don’t approve any applications without confirming they are a real person.

How we got started
In September 2011, Paul and Robin Gale-Baker and Marina Bistrin were inspired to start a vegie swap in Macleod. The next month, 11 people attended the first Macleod vegie swap and soon after Sustainable Macleod was launched. Each of our monthly vegie swaps were followed by a workshop on an aspect of gardening. Attendance at the swap averaged 50 with special events boosting the number to 80. With enthusiasm high, Sustainable Macleod branched out starting a monthly newsletter, applying for grants and began running a wider range of workshops and connecting with other Banyule groups doing similar things. In fact, the vegie swap had been inspired by the Monty Community Group Vegie swap. Through these connections we became aware that there was a worldwide Transition movement that embodied what we were already doing plus much more. From that time we functioned as a Transition Town, joining 2000 such groups world wide in creating a sustainable future.

In 2015, the Sustainable Macleod community realised a dream of starting a community garden and took over two disused tennis courts on Macleod College land, converting the area to garden. Today the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden is a local landmark, comprising vegetable beds including 11 wicking beds, orchard, berry beds, a pizza oven, a shelter, water tanks, compost bays, 2 polytunnels and an off-grid solar system. The community garden also hosts numerous workshops and events. In 2016 we incorporated so that we could readily access insurance and grants, and be eligible for some grants not available to unincorporated groups.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Sustainable Macleod

Facebook: Sustainable Macleod