The Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots nonprofit dedicated to the protection & enjoyment of oceans, waves & beaches through a powerful activist network. To engage the Bondi surf community in sustainable activities that lead to a cleaner environment. Branch meetings happen on the second Wednesday of the month at 6pm (currently via zoom). Message us for an invite.
Our goal is to engage the Bondi surf community in sustainable activities that lead to a cleaner, safer environment to enjoy inspired by First Nations people. Being one of Sydney’s most iconic beaches, we often lead the charge in protecting our coastlines. We are extremely passionate about ocean conservation and leaving the beach cleaner than we found it. Surfrider Bondi Beach believes that anyone can make a difference, even if it is just one small action. Those ripples will eventually become waves. We meet at 6pm on the second Wednesday of each month so please join us. If you’d like to join or know more, please email us at [email protected]