Stop CSG Macarthur

A local group primarily concerned with the damaging effects that coal seam gas mining will have on our environment, water resources, agricultural lands and most importantly the future health of our community. Based in NSW.


Stop CSG Macarthur is a group of residents from the Macarthur region of NSW. We have no political affiliations and all concerned citizens are welcome to join our group. Our group is primarily concerned with the damaging effects that coal seam gas mining will have on our environment, water resources, agricultural lands and most importantly the future health of our community. We are opposed to the introduction of this process until rigorous, independent, peer reviewed, scientific analysis is completed and appropriate legislation is enacted to ensure the community is protected from the Coal Seam Gas mining operations.

To prohibit coal seam gas mining within all water catchment areas, prime agricultural land, residential and environmentally sensitive areas in order to protect community health from these activities.

Stop CSG Macarthur is a community group formed with the purpose of campaigning to stop CSG mining until appropriate legislation and community safeguards are in place, specifically we want: An immediate and total ban on CSG mining in all drinking water catchment areas.
An immediate freeze & moratorium on CSG exploration, mining & development
A rigorous, independent, peer reviewed, scientific study into the effects of CSG mining operations
A commission of enquiry or expert panel to review the results of the scientific study, recommend appropriate protocols and legislation to protect the community from the harmful effects of CSG mining

If you want to help in the fight against CSG you are very welcome to become a member of our association. Membership is free and if you would like to join please contact us with your details either by email or Facebook. You will be added to our membership register so we can keep you informed by regular emails about meetings, news and things you can do to help the fight. General meetings are once a month and we invite all members to attend. We are a friendly group so please join us. COAL SEAM GAS IS HAPPENING IN THE MACARTHUR AREA NOW!: Read about it on our flyer.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Stop CSG


Group Status:

Years Active: , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Stop CSG Macarthur