Stand up for Nature

Stand Up For Nature is an alliance of conservation groups dedicated to improving protection for nature in NSW.


Stand Up For Nature is an alliance of conservation groups dedicated to improving protection for nature in NSW. Member groups include: We are committed to protecting nature in NSW and are actively encouraging the NSW government to do what is necessary to stop wildlife extinctions and loss of our bushland.

A New Deal For Nature.
In September 2015, we launched our vision for a New Deal For Nature, which includes these top 10 requirements.
Legislate a clear commitment to improving outcomes for nature
Create a level playing field for all development
Ensure important habitat is off limits to development
Strengthen biodiversity offsetting rules
Invest in reliable and timely vegetation mapping
Close the loopholes that allow under-the-radar clearing
Ensure clear requirements for regional planning
Invest in private land conservation
Ensure there is rigorous monitoring, compliance and enforcement
Provide sufficient resources to About Us do the job properly.

Our solution
Recently, the NSW government passed new laws that will unleash a wave of tree clearing across the state. Many of our most iconic animals like koalas, quolls and pygmy possums are already on the brink. Sadly, these new laws could be the final straw. But right now, we have an important opportunity to safeguard our most endangered wildlife and habitats from the bulldozers. The fine print of the new rules is still being decided, so make sure Premier Berejiklian knows you’re watching. We are calling on Premier Berejiklian to safeguard the future of our unique wildlife, and our healthy soils and water resources by:
Protecting and enhancing our pure water supplies, healthy soils, productive farmlands and the health, abundance and variety of our wildlife
Ruling out a return to broad-scale tree clearing
Ruling out clearing bushland critical as endangered wildlife habitat
Paying farmers who protect wildlife, healthy soils and pure water supplies
Ruling out offset schemes that let developers to destroy wildlife habitat in exchange for cash or dissimilar types of habitat
Maximising carbon pollution capture and storage by native bushland, and
Mapping all the state’s 1500 vegetation types so we can protect them properly.

Tell Premier Gladys Berejiklian: keep our endangered wildlife and their homes off limits from clearing! Sign this quick petition for the forests, trees and animals that could disappear.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Years Active: , , , , , , ,

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Stand up for Nature





Website: Stand up for Nature