SA Nature Alliance

The SA Nature Alliance is striving for a restoration economy that places nature at the heart of decision making and supports jobs, regions and wellbeing by investing in our essential natural ecosystems.


Across the planet, nature is in crisis. We are facing unparalleled extinction events and a rapidly changing climate. A significant aspect of this problem is the lack of measurement of nature’s contributions to our economic and social wellbeing. The SA Nature Alliance is striving for a restoration economy that places nature at the heart of decision making and supports jobs, regions and wellbeing by investing in our essential natural ecosystems.

The economy needs nature
Healthy ecosystems underpin productive economies. Each year in South Australia, primary industries and agribusiness contribute around $20 billion to our local economy and provide 152,000 jobs. These jobs and businesses are reliant on nature’s countless services, including healthy soils, pest control, water quality, shelter for animals, and pollination. Regions that invest in nature will have an economic advantage this century—let’s ensure South Australia leads the way. An economic stimulus package for nature conservation will not only create a much needed boost to employment after the COVID-19 pandemic, it will bolster the long term resilience of communities and landscapes.

Priority actions:
• Establish an ‘Ecosystem Services Fund’ to boost regional employment and create connected landscapes that that are rich in carbon and wildlife and support sustainable agricultural productivity.
• Create ‘Aquifer Recharge Farms’ by investing in wetland restoration in agricultural regions of the state.
• Provide incentives to primary producers who commit to on-ground nature conservation.
• Establish South Australia as a leader in measuring and reporting on the natural environment and ecosystem services.

The climate needs nature:
Nature is the best tool we have to confront the climate crisis. Soils and vegetation, both above and below the ground and in our waters, store billions of tonnes of carbon, potentially over a third of the total emissions reductions required by 2030 to avert a climate crisis.
Natural climate solutions will also help us adapt to the worst effects of a rapidly changing climate. A warmer, drier climate will severely affect many plants, animals and industries. It is vital we act now to create refuges for wildlife and build more resilient food and wine industries. We must also adapt our practices for a changing climate and secure seed sources for a future of large-scale restoration.

Priority actions:
• Scale up investment in natural climate solutions including biodiverse revegetation, wetland restoration, urban greening and regenerative agriculture.
• Identify species and ecosystems most at risk from climate change in South Australia and develop Resilience Action Plans for priority landscapes.
• Identify locations for ecological refuges across South Australia and invest in restoration work in these areas.
• Implement climate-ready revegetation practices and develop a native seed sourcing strategy.
• Invest in blue, green and brown carbon opportunities.

People need nature
For most of human history our lives have been deeply connected with the natural world. It is no surprise that a growing body of evidence links our mental, physical and emotional health directly to our access to nature. These benefits range from reduced risk of major illness, helping with stress management, improved concentration, reduced crime and enhancing overall wellbeing. Enabling and encouraging people from all walks of life to access and connect with nature will reduce health costs and create stronger communities.

Priority actions:
• Support existing and emerging conservation volunteering programs to increase participation.
• Ensure planning policies prioritise quality green space for all neighbourhoods and towns.
• Invest in community and school programs to facilitate increased access to nature-based education and volunteering.
• Minimise the environmental footprint of nature-based tourism and increase investments to enhance the biodiversity of our favourite natural locations. Ensure private development takes place outside of conservation areas.

Country Needs People
South Australia’s Traditional Owners bring thousands of years of science and knowledge in caring for our land and we must embed an active role for them in Caring For Country.

Priority actions
• Work with Indigenous communities in South Australia to expand and secure initiatives such as Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas.
• Incorporate modern science with Traditional Knowledge into the management of public and private land.

Nature needs protection, restoration & connection
South Australians place a high value on our precious natural environment. However collectively, as a community, we are not doing enough to protect what we have left. Many of our landscapes are at risk. They have become highly fragmented and face increasing threats from the cumulative impacts of invasive species, altered fire and water regimes, habitat clearance and climate change. Our coasts and seas contain an extraordinary array of wildlife that is even more unique and wondrous than the Great Barrier Reef. Our waters contain some of the highest levels of marine biodiversity in the world—from delicate seahorses and sponge gardens to the largest mammals on our planet. These waters and the diversity of life within them are also under threat. Equally, our wetlands and waterways are struggling through over-extraction, contamination and long term drying, including our nation’s greatest river system and largest underground water reserve, the Murray-Darling Basin. We must stop the loss of nature and biodiversity by simultaneously implementing large scale restoration projects that connect landscapes for the benefit of wildlife, primary producers and our future generations.

Priority actions
• Deliver collaborative projects at a landscape scale across all regions of South Australia to provide connectivity for wildlife and enhance land productivity.
• Increase investment in the establishment and management of Heritage Agreements on private land.
• Fully fund the delivery of recovery plans for threatened species and ecosystems across South Australia.
• Ensure native vegetation and biodiversity legislation provides strong protection for all species and ecosystems.
• Ensure better protection for nature from wildfires through community-led prevention including the delivery of education programs to raise awareness about native vegetation and effective fire management.
• Expand the size and range of our marine sanctuaries network and ensure the integrity of marine protected areas in South Australia through better compliance.
• Restore the integrity of the Murray Darling Basin Plan by buying back water, improving governance and oversight, and aligning water extraction with science.
• Stop mining the ancient waters of the Great Artesian Basin, and protect vulnerable swamps, wetlands and other freshwater systems.
• Prevent mining and exploration activities in all public and private protected areas, including Regional Reserves and Heritage Agreements.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: SA Nature Alliance