Rivers of Carbon

Rivers of Carbon supports NSW and ACT landholders to secure funding to help plant trees, fence off stock, build small-scale erosion control, alternative stock watering point, and rehabilitate the habitat.


Rivers of Carbon is the on-ground component of the Australian River Restoration Centre. Rivers of Carbon supports NSW and ACT landholders to secure funding to help plant trees, fence off stock, build small-scale erosion control, alternative stock watering point, and rehabilitate the habitat.
• Worked closely with 161 landholders
• Planted 112,434 new trees
• Fenced 158kms of our waterways
• Protecting and restoring 1,331 ha of riparian land.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Years Active: , , , , , , , , , ,

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Website: Rivers of Carbon