Reef Action Whitsundays

Whitsunday Residents taking a stand to protect the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage Area


Whitsunday Residents taking a stand to protect the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage Area. Climate change is killing our Great Barrier Reef.

In 2012, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) reported that in the last 27 years the Great Barrier Reef had lost half of its coral cover. Given that in 2016-2017 we lost another 50% of all shallow water corals to climate change (coral bleaching), it is clear that we are currently losing the battle to save the Reef and we must urgently turn things around. That’s why concerned Reef Coast locals have formed Reef Action Whitsunday. We know there is still time to turn the tide of damage and destruction our reef is suffering. Join us – working together we can ensure a healthy and vibrant reef for all to enjoy, both now and in the future.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Facebook: Reef Action Whitsundays