Protect Our Coast Alliance

Protect Our Coast Alliance is a collective of citizens who stand opposed to the planned gas and oil projects along the beautiful coastline between Sydney, the Central Coast, Newcastle and Port Stephens (NSW).


Asset Energy (also known as Advent) has lodged an application to National Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) to drill for gas 30km off the coast between Sydney and Port Stephens. If they find gas or oil, they plan to turn our beautiful coastline into the next big fossil fuels industry. Meanwhile, Northern Beaches MP Jason Falinski has put forward a motion to federal parliament calling for the license for exploring and mining this gas field to be revoked. We’re calling on all MPs and Senators to support this motion and end the risks of offshore along our coast.

We call on NOPTA/ the joint authority not to approve Asset Energy’s (also Advent Energy) application to extend the PEP11 by two years. A few facts about why we say no to drilling:
Offshore drilling poses unacceptable risks to the health of the marine ecosystem including smothering from seabed disturbance and drill cuttings disposal, chemical pollution and discharge of drilling fluids, accidental discharge and leakage of gas.
Air and water pollution from fossil fuel industries hurt local communities and pose serious health risks. the coastal waters of NSW are a vibrant and valuable marine wilderness and are home to 13 endangered and critically endangered species who rely on it for habitat.
Offshore fossil fuel development risks and impacts the thriving local tourist and fishing industries that rely on a diverse and healthy marine ecosystem. This industry brings jobs, growth and opportunity to the region.
Extracting gas along our coast will make the climate crisis worse. Science dictates that no new fossil fuel basins can be opened, if we wish to leave a safe planet for today’s youth and future generations.

Our Campaign
Protect Our Coast Alliance is a collective of citizens who stand opposed to the planned gas and oil projects along the beautiful coastline between Sydney, the Central Coast, Newcastle and Port Stephens. The threat of oil spills, gas explosions and gas and oil rigs within view of our iconic beaches will not be tolerated. Nor will the risk to the habitat of migratory whales, dolphins and other sea life. Please join our campaign to demand that MEC Resources and Advent Energy withdraw all plans to use 3D seismic testing to search for gas and oil reserves in our ocean.

Get Involved. Contact your local state and federal MPs and the Deputy Premier, State Minister for Industry and Trade, John Barilaro.

Reasons to Stop Offshore Gas and Oil
• $100m Whale and Dolphin Watching Industry: will be threatened by this project. Whale and dolphin watching is worth $40 million to the Port Stephens tourism industry alone, and $500 million to the national economy. Seismic testing and oil and gas extraction projects threaten viability of that industry by disturbing, harming and killing whales and dolphins.
• 38 Endangered and Threatened species: are found in the area that Advent Energy and MEC Resources plan to blast with seismic testing to find gas and oil. Seismic testing is scientifically proven to deafen, injure and stress several of these species, including humpback whales, dolphins, turtles and lobsters. Seismic testing also kills phytoplankton, which many other species depend on for food.
• 1.5C Climate Change Target: Fossil Fuels = Climate Change. Australia is already the world’s third largest producer of fossil fuels and we cannot afford to open new fossil fuel fields if we are to prevent the worst effects of global warming and ecological disaster. Australia’s emissions continue to rise and we MUST start the transition to renewable energy.
• 40-80%: Loss for Our Fishing Industry: Professional fishers reported catches of only dead and rotting fish following previous rounds of seismic testing off Newcastle. One scientific study found that seismic testing reduced fish catches by 40-80%. The NSW professional fishing industry employs more than 1,000 fishers and is worth $90 million a year.

Our Alliance
The Protect Our Coast Alliance includes concerned citizens, community groups, local businesses, and NGOs. Find out more at the link.

Our Impact
• 40,000 people have signed petitions
• 500+ Protect Our Coast Alliance members
• 126 personal submissions to Seismic Testing Inquiry.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Website: Protect Our Coast Alliance

Facebook: Protect Our Coast Alliance

X: Protect Our Coast Alliance

Instagram: Protect Our Coast Alliance