Plug-in Australia – Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EV’s) & Plug-in Hybrids (PHEV’s). Welcome to ‘Plug-in Australia’ . Help avoid the next ‘Oil War’ – Buy a Hybrid (and it will help save you money as well as the planet). This website is inspired by the ‘Plug In America’ website that we encourage you to visit to see the leading edge US developed Hybrid vehicle, EV and PHEV technology. See: Plug-in America , CalCars, Plug-in Partners and Plugin Conversions Corporation for some excellent downloads and the latest technical information. “Plug-in Australia’s purpose is to advocate in our country, the use of plug-in cars, trucks and other vehicles powered by cleaner, cheaper, domestic electricity to reduce Australia’s increasing dependence on imported oil and improve the global environment.”
Our purpose is also to:
a) Act as an information resource for Australians wishing to reduce CO2 emissions from their use of personal transport.
b) Publicise and explain the global need to stop burning oil
c) Promote the migration to and use of Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrids
d) Work with Australian government and auto industry to facilitate the migration to EV’s as soon as possible
You can probably see from ‘Plug-in America’ that that they have made a great start and also that the Australian government and our auto industry have a lot to catch up to be ready for the introduction of EV’s and PHEV’s from all over the world over the next couple of years. If they continue to do nothing, the rest of us are soon likely to start paying a lot more to fuel our personal transport (see below: ‘What’s happening to the Oil Price?’). And we’ll not be able to eliminate the emissions from our cars that currently account for at least 20% of total emissions. 7 Jul 08: What is happening to the oil price? A contributor to ‘The Oil Drum’ (highly regarded oil industry newsletter) attempts to forecast the Australian petrol at the pump costs, using the CIBC report modified for the AUD/USD likely movements. Also useful oil industry info.