Outdoors People for Climate

Outdoors People for Climate is a grassroots community of people who love, live, and work in the Australian outdoors.


Together We’re Taking Action for the Outdoors

How We Make a Difference:
• Speaking Up: We’re speaking up about the impact of climate change on the Australian outdoors and the lives, work, and communities of outdoors people.
• Empowering Action: We’re taking action and promoting solutions in our outdoor adventures, workplaces, politics, and beyond.
• Building Community: We’re creating a community of engaged and active outdoor enthusiasts and professionals from across Australia.
• Supporting Solutions: We’re working alongside outdoor businesses to pursue positive outcomes for the climate and environment.

Our Call to Action
Outdoors People for Climate is a grassroots community of people who love, live, and work in the Australian outdoors. Climate change and other ecological stressors are causing irreversible damage to the wild places we love and will make it progressively harder for Australians to access the outdoors. It’s clear: when nature thrives, people thrive. What’s more, individuals, communities, and governments already possess the solutions needed to tackle the climate crisis and in turn create a better future, but we must act urgently. Outdoors People for Climate are here to add to the growing call for meaningful, ambitious, and rapid political and business leadership on climate change in Australia. It is time for Australians to come together, listen to the science, take action, promote solutions and support positive change for people, the planet, and the outdoors.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Website: Outdoors People for Climate