Melbourne Inner Northwest Transition Initative

MINTI aims to raise awareness within our community about these issues, and to share skills related to sufficiency living. We hope to build stronger, more resilient and connected communities and create a vibrant, viable future for the planet and ourselves.


MINTI – [ Melbourne Inner North Transition Initiative ] was established in 2010 to support Transition Town inspired projects, groups, and activities in the Flemington, Kensington, Ascot Vale, and Moonee Ponds area. These have included – Food Swaps, Urban Fruit Tree Mapping, Creek Rehabilitation, Urban Garden and Public Land Plantings, Sustainability Festivals. Eco-Film Nights, Personal Skill Training Sessions, Electric Vehicle and Solar Power Information Events,

MINTI is based around the Farnham Street Neighbourhood Learning Centre, 28 Farnham Street, Flemington 3031. They kindly let us use their kitchen and meeting rooms for our many projects, and with them, we have developed the Farnham Street Community Garden and Food Forest.

MINTI (Melbourne Inner Northwest Transition Initiative), like other Transition Towns and Initiatives, is interested in creative ways to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by Peak Oil and Climate Change. MINTI aims to raise awareness within our community about these issues, and to share skills related to sufficiency living. We hope to build stronger, more resilient and connected communities and create a vibrant, viable future for the planet and ourselves. MINTI is in its first stages of emergence in the Flemington, Kensington and North Melbourne area. It is currently a non-profit un-incorporated local volunteer community association, auspiced by and working in partnership with the Farnham Street Neighbourhood Learning Centre. MINTI is based on the Transition Towns model begun in Totnes, Devon, UK, in 2005/6 as described by Rob Hopkins in The Transition Handbook. (Green Books, Totnes, 2008).

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Melbourne Inner Northwest Transition Initative

Facebook: Melbourne Inner Northwest Transition Initative