Lismore Group Against Gas

We are a group of concerned citizens who are worried about the long term health and well-being of Lismore Shire residents, Northern NSW.


We are a group of concerned citizens who are worried about the long term health and well-being of Lismore Shire residents, Northern NSW. All PEL relating to Coal Seam Gas mining & related activities everywhere should be stopped until we’re sure it safe. To our newer members, this is an ON TOPIC group, not a place to rant about politics or conspiracy theories. There are plenty of other places on Facebook for these rants. Topics like Chemtrails, renewable energy strategies, carbon tax and other things not related to the Lock The Gate Alliance campaign will be removed. Attack the issue, not the person. Any abuse of another member will have you booted. You will be warned once by private message. Threads will be deleted. Debate is great but be polite and respectful. The issues we address have brought conservatives and greens together and this often causes tension – argue your political case elsewhere. Watch your language. Foul language will not be tolerated. If you must use an expletive, use “fracking” – one of the filthiest words we know. Here, we stay on the broad topics of Coal Mining and Unconventional Gas – and the issues directly around those topics, and the campaign.

There are many ways that you can contribute to the ‘Lismore Shire against Coal Seam Gas Campaign’. Pledges of varying degrees include, writing letters to the editor of local papers, intertstate and national newspapers. Making phone calls to Member’s of Parliament or having meetings with local MP’s to get the message across. Writing letters to MP’s within the State and Federal Government, sharing your concerns and ordering them to immediately halt all PEL’s relating to coal and coal seam gas mining in Nth NSW. Phoning talk back radio. Making sandwiches if we are forced to blockade. Participating in non violent dynamic action such as blockading against CSG drill rigs or seismic test vehicles. Taking pictures of CSG activities. Reporting suspicious sightings. Put your name down on the emergency blockade contact list. Participating in rallys, gatherings or letter box flyer drops. Helping out making signs, selling lock the gate signs and linking people up with how to get more information.

We are all in this together. United we stand. Thank you for your contribution. Blessings on OUR land.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Facebook: Lismore Group Against Gas