Land Water Future

Land Water Future advocates for the NSW Premier to stand up and fix the mess – to protect our clean water, our best farmland and our special wild places — and to restore the rights and the trust of the community.


More than 85% of people in NSW want our farmland, water and wild places protected from the destructive impacts of coal and gas.

The coal and gas industry are threatening our most precious assets – our water, our farmland, our wild places and the health of our communities. Coal and gas companies have too much political influence and the regulatory system is failing to protect the community. The NSW Premier needs to stand up and fix the mess – to protect our clean water, our best farmland and our special wild places — and to restore the rights and the trust of the community.

More than 85% of people in NSW want these areas protected. Join the campaign to protect NSW from the destructive impacts of coal and gas

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Land Water Future

Facebook: Land Water Future