Knitting Nannas & Friends For Freedom From Fossil Fuels (KNaFFFFFF) weekly vigils at Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (& sometimes gather at other places – see About for details)
The fossil fuel industry is holding humanity and life as we know it to ransom. It is the leading cause of the climate emergency that is unfolding, as well as depleting precious water resources and causing immense damage to farms, bushland and wildlife. Yet fossil fuel companies, aided by our governments, want to massively expand their industry. They want to drill new CSG wells into the Great Artesian Basin and in many other places around Australia. And they want to drill new oil wells in the pristine, deep and treacherous waters of the Great Australian Bight.
Nannas are concerned about the climate impacts on our grandkids, indeed on children everywhere. We maintain a peaceful presence at events and vigils where we can, COVID permitting.