Junee Community Power

Junee Community Power Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to save households in Junee Shire on rising energy costs.


Energy costs are rising and technical advancements in power are changing rapidly. We can embrace these changes for a cheaper and more sustainable future.
Junee Community Power Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. Our main objective is to save households in Junee Shire on rising energy costs. We have formed a committee and have monthly meetings, usually at the Junee Ex-Services Memorial Club. As this is a community power group the meetings are open for anyone to attend. We are exploring different ways to save households on energy costs by conducting home energy audits. This can either be by a Junee Community Power member, or you can conduct it with your family at home. (Home energy audit kits are available at the Junee Library for free to borrow.)

Household Solar PV (photo-voltaic) panels are a massive saver of electricity. We are looking at group discounted buying and installing of solar panels on houses in Junee, also working on ways to help low income earning households save on electricity by proposing an idea of funding half the cost which is paid out of the electricity savings over 5-7 years. Junee Community Power will establish a community circular fund (perpetual fund) to help community bodies to install solar PV and conduct energy efficiency updates by supplying the upfront capital which is then repaid, interest free, out of the energy savings over 5-7 years. The community body will own the installation when paid for and the repaid capital is reused on the next project. The committee is currently assessing Cooinda Court Aged Facility and the Broadway Museum as potential first projects for this fund.

About Junee Community Power’s Logo
• The Sun and Solar Panel both emphasises the renewable power available from the sun and other renewables
• The Green Swathe represents a sustainable future
• The People (in blue) highlights our Community focus, with involvement in our projects by all sectors of our local community, ranging from high school students through to the senior citizens of Junee; as well as the Power of the People to bring about change.
Thank you to Amanda Riley Creative for working with Junee Community Power Inc to design our new logo.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Junee Community Power

Facebook: Junee Community Power