JECO The Jewish Ecological Coalition

The Jewish Ecological Coalition (JECO) was established to emphasise and deepen the Jewish commitment to sustainability and to raise awareness within and beyond the Jewish community about Judaism’s strong environmental message.


The Jewish Ecological Coalition (JECO) was established to emphasise and deepen the Jewish commitment to sustainability and to raise awareness within and beyond the Jewish community about Judaism’s strong environmental message.

We aim to:
Educate and encourage individuals to “tread softly on the face of the earth” – to minimise their environmental footprint;
Work with individuals and organisations to prevent and repair environmental damage;
Build bridges between the Jewish and wider community by working together for sustainability.

We are not affiliated with and we do not promote or endorse any political party.

Our projects and activities
Jewish Climate Network – a major initiative to raise awareness and mobilise action in the Jewish community around the foremost environmental issue of our time, climate change.
St Kilda Repair Café – a monthly pop-up event at the Port Phillip EcoCentre (PPEC) where volunteer fixers and menders repair broken items so you don’t have to throw them away.
Our Reverse Garage Sale /Annual “collect-a-thon” – where we collect a wide range of household items for repurposing, reuse and recycling.
Participating in community events such as In One Voice, Limmud Oz, Mitzvah Day and Clean Up Australia day to promote sustainability and environmental awareness.
Supporting and encouraging environmentally-focused activities, including those linked to Jewish festivals such as Tu Bishvat.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:




Website: JECO The Jewish Ecological Coalition

Facebook: JECO The Jewish Ecological Coalition