Indigenous Energy Australia

Indigenous Energy Australia (IEA) is an Aboriginal profit-for-purpose organisation committed to combating climate change and improving the livelihoods of remote, regional, vulnerable and Indigenous Australians.


Protecting the future of Indigenous Australians through energy saving. Helping communities achieve their specific energy outcomes. Indigenous Energy Australia (IEA) is an Indigenous owned and operated, profit-for-purpose organisation committed to improving the livelihood of remote, regional and Indigenous Australians. Our projects are the World’s First indigenous owned, operated & constructed renewable energy and essential services company.
Indigenous Energy Australia (IEA) is an Aboriginal profit-for-purpose organisation committed to combating climate change and improving the livelihoods of remote, regional, vulnerable and Indigenous Australians. IEA achieves these commitments through the development of enabling infrastructure (e.g Electricity, Water, Telecoms, Transport, Waste and Waste Water) with communities. IEA specialise in best practice engagement and management principles, and offer an innovative project approach that pursues social objectives and generates economic outcomes.

IEA has two major parts of the business:
Project Development: Our core business, where we develop infrastructure in a way that enables communities to achieve their economic and social goals.
Knowledge Sharing: Researching, collaborating, communicating, quantifying and sharing Indigneous knowledge, and demonstrating how this underutilised and poorly understood knowledge base should be weaved through contemporary industry.

At the root of the IEA approach and our differentiating factor are three key considerations made when developing a project.
Adapt around Community Characteristics. e.g employment, key industry, literacy and numeracy, social cohesion
Harness Community Strengths e.g Indigenous knowledge, infrequent severe weather events, knowledge about the community
Contribute to existing community outcomes or challenges e.g how can a solar system support a business venture that is planned, or support the tackling of high unemployment or a high incidence of mental illness.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Indigenous Energy Australia

Facebook: Indigenous Energy Australia

Instagram: Indigenous Energy Australia