Green Planet Sport

Green Planet Sport knows how overwhelming and seemingly endless the scope of work can appear to sports wanting to take real and meaningful climate action. ​We can help you find a clear path, build projects with purpose and find grants and funding to get you started.


A World of Sport for a World of Change. Regenerative Sport Creation & Climate Positive Partnership Building

Climate disruption is challenging the resilience of sport and impacting the safe and equitable delivery of the games we love to play. With every degree of warming natural, social and economic ecosystems are stretched. ​Green Planet Sport believes in a better climate future. A future where warming stays below 1.5 degrees Celsius, where healthy environments and connected communities provide a foundation for the natural world and the sports world to thrive. ​We are helping achieve this climate future by supporting sports to become regenerative and build partnerships that have climate positive outcomes for the health of people and the planet.

Regenerative sport is more than sustainability. Regenerative sport breaks down the silos of sports business. Its strategic focus is not on risk, it is on opportunity. Opportunity within the natural, social and economic ecosystems that sport aspires to operate in. It is learning to take meaningful and real action on issues. Action that is thoughtful and innovative, sometimes simple and sometimes complex, but always aiming to put more resources into the world than they take out. Action that acknowledges the policy framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 as a guide.

Climate positive partnerships are those that have a shared interest in business, people and planet, respecting the natural, social and economic systems that support them. You can find these partnerships everywhere, with major sponsors, stationary suppliers, builders, baristas, ball makers, turf suppliers, caterers, power companies, banks, super funds, farmers, employees, players, coaches, fans, and even with those who work to restore and heal our land, air, water and oceans.

Sports who engage in this work and communicate it well are part of an increasing ripple effect that supports business, people and the biodiversity of places of play all over the world. ​We understand that every sport is at a different point in their regenerative sport journey. We know how overwhelming and seemingly endless the scope of work can appear to sports wanting to take real and meaningful climate action. ​We can help you find a clear path, build projects with purpose and find grants and funding to get you started.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Green Planet Sport

X: Green Planet Sport

Instagram: Green Planet Sport