Green Cross Australia

Green Cross Australia educates and empowers Australians to become more resilient to our changing environment.


We strive for a secure and sustainable future. We are a not-for-profit organisation with no political agenda and we have a reputation for being balanced. The wellbeing of the local community is our priority, and we do all we can to help them navigate potential risks. As a nonprofit organisation, we also have the ability to work across sectors. Green Cross Australia educates and empowers Australians to become more resilient to our changing environment.

Why does Green Cross international exist?
In 1989 USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev addressed the Global Forum for the Survival of Humanity and proposed the formation of an organisation which would apply the medical emergency response model of Red Cross International to ecological issues and expedite solutions to environmental problems that transcend national boundaries. Green Cross International was formally launched in Kyoto, on 18 April 1993 with many renowned personalities on its Board of Directors and Honorary Board.

Green Cross International: Green Cross International sought to establish national affiliates, which would enjoy autonomy in conducting their own projects but would also participate in at least one international programme. Green Cross International is now represented in 30 countries around the world.

Our mission is to empower a resilient Australia by collaborating with at-risk communities to support proactive action that mitigates against inevitable disruptions. Green Cross Australia believes we must trust each other to help our planet. We acknowledge that respect, shared understanding, mediation & education are necessary in preventing degradation of the environment and conflict over natural resources. We foster imagination, ingenuity, enterprise and innovation to help create a future that is peaceful and equitable while respecting the natural limits of our planet. Think + Act + Share = Change: We think that every Australian wants to work towards a positive future, but are turned off by the politics, the arguments, the scare tactics, or the complicated science. We don’t need to be paralysed just because we are polarised about climate change.

Work with Us
• We work in collaboration and partnerships with communities, businesses, educational institutions, government and individuals, supporting all to play their roles effectively.
• We commit to transparency, honesty and independence, with great respect for the efforts of volunteers and benefactors.
• Green Cross Australia values the principles of the Earth Charter and will foster & promote positive values and behaviours to ensure a peaceful, just, sustainable and secure future.

• Board of Directors: Our impressive Board of Directors includes exceptional leaders who share our vision, from a diverse range of backgrounds. Learn more >>
• Advisory Panel: Green Cross Australia would like to invite submissions for a new advisory panel. Learn more >>
• Partner with Us: The power of our projects is motivating Australians to take practical and informed action. Learn more >>

Green Cross Australia helps people adapt to our changing climate. We are motivated by our understanding of a resource-constrained, warming planet and our belief that this challenge presents opportunities for a bright future. We are not an advocacy group – rather we work with respected business, research, community and government partners to deliver world-class digital projects that foster a global values shift towards a secure and sustainable future. Our mantra, Think + Act + Share = Change, is key to every project we deliver. We believe the power of our projects is empowering Australians to take practical, informed action. So we don’t just focus on awareness, we encourage people to take action, and then give them the tools via social and digital media to share their actions with their friends. We use mapping technologies to visualise participation in our projects and to ensure we can measure engagement. We are also excited by advancements in technology and what this could mean for a sustainable energy future. We think that every Australian wants to work towards a positive future, but are turned off by the politics, the arguments, the scare tactics, or the complicated science. We don’t need to be paralysed just because we are polarised about climate change.

CSIRO research shows that 88% of Australians believe that climate change is happening. While 46.5% of them believe that humans are significantly contributing to it, 42.2% believe it’s just a natural fluctuation in earth’s temperatures. Whatever our belief, Australians know we need to prepare for a very different 21st century. More about us:

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Green Cross Australia

Facebook: Green Cross Australia