Gladstone Conservation Council

We are a passionate group of people of all ages working together to protect and defend our water, air, wildlife, bushlands, rivers, marine and coastal areas from long term damage for short term gain.


The Gladstone Conservation Council Inc. was formed in February 2012 by a group of locals working towards a positive outcome for the Gladstone environment and community. Join a passionate group of people of all ages working together to protect and defend our water, air, wildlife, bushlands, rivers, marine and coastal areas from long term damage for short term gain. Raise your voice for the environment. Become a part of our lively online meetings, film nights and forums; help out at our information stalls at EcoFest, BAM, markets and festivals; contribute to our education and awareness raising activities; participate in air, water and animal monitoring; investigate, research and innovate. Together we’re making change happen.

Become a member here. Together we can…build a carbon-neutral, significantly stronger and fairer society and provide millions of jobs at the same time. Join us. Support us. Together we’re making a difference.

Our priorities include:
– Protecting the Great Barrier Reef and World Heritage Areas from climate change impacts, pollution, increased shipping movements and inappropriate use.
– Restoring and protecting Gladstone harbour and Curtis Island
– Advocating for Gladstone’s Renewable Energy future in consultation with industry and government
– Partnering with other groups to improve environmental outcomes
-piloting projects in regenerative agriculture and wildlife monitoring

We’re working to protect our environment from long-term damage for short-term gain. Our aims include:
– Engaging with the local community on environmental issues
– Ensure that the community voice for our environment is heard
– Develop partnerships and alliances that achieve greater outcomes for our environment and its conservation
– Ensure the land, waters and atmosphere of the region are not compromised
– Advocate for ecologically sustainable use of natural resources to preserve the biodiversity and integrity of natural ecosystems.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Gladstone Conservation Council

Facebook: Gladstone Conservation Council