Fridays for Future Australia

Fridays For Future Australia holds weekly Strikes for Action on Climate Breakdown to demand Zero Emissions by 2030, where everyone's welcome, everyone's needed!


Climate activism group based in Australia. Fridays For Future Australia Weekly Strikes for Action on Climate Breakdown to demand Zero Emissions by 2030, where everyone’s welcome, Everyone’s needed! See Global Map for places.

We are fighting for our future and our lives because they are directly threatened by the climate crisis and the ecological breakdown. We are taking action against it because we want to protect the beauty of the earth, the diversity of species and the lives of all beings. Our goal is to overcome the climate crisis and to create a society that lives in harmony with its fellow beings and its environment. Join us! The climate crisis is an inescapable reality and we are fighting for our common future. Are we the fastest growing movement ever? Find out more and join us. Countries are not taking action to fulfill the Paris agreement and this is a crime against humanity. Here is what FFF demands and why. Support climate action by signing petitions, or joining campaigns and other initiatives. Or start your own! Get inspired in Actions! Get to know some of our courageous and outstanding activists!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Sub-groups of Fridays for Future Australia:


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Website: Fridays for Future Australia

Facebook: Fridays for Future Australia