Frack Free Kimberley

Frack Free Kimberley is helping the Kimberley to get active to protect their land, water and communities! Read more about it and how you can get involved in the efforts to protect the Kimberley from fracking.


Large parts of the Kimberley are covered by gas exploration licenses and gas companies are actively exploring for unconventional gas in the region. Whilst no shale or tight gas production has commenced yet, unconventional gas exploration includes fracking processes. Read more about the threat… The large scale expansion of the unconventional gas industry in the Kimberley’s iconic natural and cultural areas threatens the very values that make this region so special. In response to the fracking threat, Kimberley communities are getting active to protect their land, water and communities! Read more about the Frack Free Kimberley Community and how you can get involved in the efforts to protect the Kimberley from fracking.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Frack Free Future


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Frack Free Kimberley






Website: Frack Free Kimberley

Facebook: Frack Free Kimberley