Frack Free Grovedale

Frack Free Grovedale aims to stop industry practices to be deployed in Greater Geelong that will pollute air, waste vast quantities of water, cause 24/7 noise pollution.


Will we allow industry practices to be deployed in Greater Geelong that will pollute air, waste vast quantities of water, cause 24/7 noise pollution?

Right now, the Victorian State Government is deciding whether to allow AGL – Australia’s largest climate polluter – to build a floating gas storage and processing facility in Crib Point on Western Port Bay. This project also includes a 57km pipeline to transfer gas to Pakenham to be built by APA, an Australian gas infrastructure company. The project involves the whole of Australia as it will be relying on importing gas from other states and overseas. Any project that promotes gas into the future is not the path forward. The public submission period for this project closes on 26 August – just six days away. Public submissions make a difference. The more submissions the government receives, the better. The process is fairly simple and straightforward. You can send a short submission of up to 500 words – if you’re time poor even a paragraph or two will help.

AGL’s floating factory will draw 450 millions of litres of seawater every day, then discharge it back into the Bay, chilled and chlorinated and toxic to marine life. The pipeline will run through a Ramsar listed wetland, many natural waterways, and impact indigenous cultural sites.
It is also a massive investment in Victoria’s fossil fuel future through ensuring supply of LNG, which when burned, would emit almost as much CO2-e as Black Summer each year. Victorian Planning Minister Richard Wynne decided the project has “the potential for significant environmental effects,” so developers were required to provide an Environmental Impact Statement (EES). The community was given the opportunity to review and submit feedback on the 11,000+ page document.

Why is this important?
• AGL plans to dump toxic wastewater, breaching Victorian laws
• AGL’s Environment Effect Statement does not properly address the risk of oil spills
• We need to protect our wetlands
• Westernport Bay is home to a staggering 1350 species and it’s biodiversity is under threat.
• The bay is home to seals, penguins, dolphins, migratory Southern Right and Humpback Whales, Weedy Sea Dragons and Hooded Plovers
• We cannot afford new fossil fuel projects in Victoria, instead of investing in soon-to-be stranded assets, AGL should invest more in renewables and support consumers to move away from gas.
• This project is not consistent with what we need to do to create a safe climate.
• The energy transition is making gas obsolete. AGL’s rationale for the project ignores what we can and need to do to reduce our gas usage in Victoria
• AGL’s gas through this terminal would not be cheap
• Imported gas can be as bad as coal for the planet

Website for submissions:
Crib Point Inquiry and Advisory Committee
What to do/say:
Your submission does not have to be long – even a couple of paragraphs will help. Choose one or two things to write about, no need to cover everything. The submission document allows for up to 500 words in the text box. If you have more to say you can attach longer documents. Environment Victoria has tips in their submission guide: How to write a submission opposing AGL’s gas import terminal

You can also email Planning Minister Richard Wynne [email protected]
Or call his office on (03) 8683 0964.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Frack Free Future


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Facebook: Frack Free Grovedale