Fossil Free Murdoch

We are a group of Murdoch University students who are campaigning for the divestment from fossil fuels. We are a part of a global movement and our success is possible, necessary and inevitable.


We are a group of Murdoch University students who are campaigning for the divestment from fossil fuels. We are a part of a global movement and our success is possible, necessary and inevitable.

Fossil Free Murdoch is a group of students who believe that the best place for fossil fuels is in the ground. We also believe that universities are change makers and what happens here has an impact on the world. This is why we are calling on Murdoch University to break ties with the fossil fuel industry. This means moving their investments in dirty fossil fuels over to sustainable companies. This process is known as divestment. We pay a lot to study at university and we don’t want our fees supporting these toxic industries. Profiting from fossil fuels is messed up! This contributes to the destruction of our precious environment. “Equity and social justice, sustainability, global responsibility & scholarly integrity.” This practice even goes against Murdoch’s own values. We are a part of a global movement and our success is not only possible, but necessary.
Sign this petition if you think it’s time for Murdoch University to put its money where its mouth is and show a genuine commitment to sustainability.
● If you want to know more, contact us via the message button on the page or via email at [email protected]
Associated Campaigns:
Can’t see your uni here? Contact us to see how you can bring the movement to your uni now!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Fossil Free Unis


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Fossil Free Murdoch

Facebook: Fossil Free Murdoch