Fossil Free Monash University

We are a group calling on Monash University to live up to its green image and consolidate its fantastic work on transforming campuses into hubs of sustainability.


We’re calling on Monash University to divest from fossil fuels, protect the future of its students and safeguard itself from the risk of unburnable carbon. Universities are institutions of research and teaching. They not only invent and innovate to create a better future; they prepare bright, young minds for prosperous careers. Climate change threatens to destroy this brighter future that Monash University aims to create. Yet, as an institution, they are potentially investing millions in fossil fuel and high carbon companies, driving emissions into the atmosphere and playing a role in accelerating climate change. We’re calling on Monash University to live up to its green image and consolidate its fantastic work on transforming campuses into hubs of sustainability by:
– Divesting from fossil fuels in the short-term
– Investing at least 5% of its portfolio in renewable energy sectors

We also strongly encourage students, staff and friends on the University to:
– Put their bank on notice regarding lending to fossil fuel projects at
– Start a conversation with their superannuation fund about how they are managing the potentially crippling effects of carbon risk through Together, we can go fossil free and halt climate change before it is too late.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Fossil Free Unis


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Fossil Free Monash University

Facebook: Fossil Free Monash University