Extinction Rebellion Yachties for the Reef

Yachties for the Reef intends to create a flotilla of yachts, flags and voices raised high in defense against inaction by our governments on man made Climate and ecological breakdown. Join us in being a voice for the Reef!


Our oceans and reefs have been silently under assault for decades now from the ravages of climate change and the pollutants and wastes created by our “throw away” society. The iconic Great Barrier Reef and our precious ocean ecosystems are at breaking point! Yachties can see all this first hand. We can no longer watch and wait in silence for the final end game. Yachties for the Reef intends to create a flotilla of yachts, flags and voices raised high in defense against inaction by our governments on man made Climate and ecological breakdown. Join us in being a voice for the Reef!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion Yachties for the Reef