Extinction Rebellion Victoria University

This is the very beginning of Victoria Universities Extinction Rebellion movement.


This is the very beginning of Victoria Universities Extinction Rebellion movement. This group serves as an autonomous branch of Extinction Rebellion. Join us, rebel for climate action! There isn’t much time.

Come to the next protest demanding climate justice and that Scott Morrison is sacked. Come to the next rally demanding climate justice and the sacking of Scott Morrison, which points to the system change we know that we need.

Get along to this meeting put on by VU Uni Students for Climate Justice tomorrow 1pm outside the Library on campus. This is in preparation for the rally happening at the State Library 6pm Jan 10 demanding that Scott Morrison is sacked for is criminal climate negligence.

Out of control emergency bushfires are sweeping across the state – destroying thousands of hectares, houses, and lives. These fires, heatwaves, and droughts are not just unprecedented – theyre the direct result of decades of climate destruction at the hands of fossil fuel loving politicians. We demand the goverment
– Pay all firefighters and give the force full funding.
– Provide genuine relief and aid for affected communities
– Begin the immediate rapid transition away from fossil fuels.
Join Uni Students for Climate Justice to speak out in the city to stand in solidarity with affevted communities but to also place the blame on the people that deserve it – Scott Morrison, Daniel Andrews, and the rest of the politicians!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion Victoria University