Extinction Rebellion Vic Pedal Rebels

We are a friendly fun group of keen cyclists who ride the streets for climate activism.


We are a friendly fun group of keen cyclists who ride the streets for climate activism. We go S-L-O-W and rides are open to all ages. Rides are last Saturday morning of every month from 10am-12pm. We ride on Woiwurrung land. Stolen land. We need TREATY!!!

Our very own Sam did something very brave on Sunday: he climbed down Princes bridge to get his message heard. We are in a climate emergency, and need emergency action now ! If you have ever come to a bike ride with us, you would have seen Sam: he usually provides the tunes! Well done

Some photos and videos of the Critical Mass last Friday! How amazing was that?? Over 250 people joined
While it was an overall very joyful event, we spend a solemn moment in front of VicRoads, where we installed a ghost bike. On this ghost bike, we attached 5 padlocks, in memory of the 5 cyclists killed in Victoria this year.
You can listen to the fantastic speeches by Tom Taylor, Dr John Stone and Violet CoCo – The Activist here: https://fb.watch/kRpEyFOSnF/
A livestream of the *whole* ride is available here: https://fb.watch/kRpSEKxs4E/
⏩ Next ride will be heading to the “Shrine to Sea” project. More info soon!
A big thanks BikeWest, Stonnington Bicycle User Group – admin, Port Phillip BUG Inc, Merri-bek BUG and Extinction Rebellion VIC for the organising. In particular Freya, Kim, Mal, Pierre, Sam, Shane, Tom and Tonié!
Photos by Matt Hrkac and a few others

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion Vic Pedal Rebels