Extinction Rebellion South West Victoria

We are a local group of Extinction Rebellion (XR), which is a decentralised, politically non-partisan movement that uses non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the climate and ecological emergency.


Local Warrnambool extinction rebellion group. #signsinthepines 162 today. Please consider supporting the Stop Seismic Blasting actions this weekend in Port Fairy and Warrnambool. See comments for details.

#signsinthepines 161. Our chat tonight included plans for attending the coming Stop Seismic Blasting event in Warrnambool 2pm Sun 21st Jan. https://www.facebook.com/events/686237980316610/?ref=newsfeed OCEAN SOPEC – Southern Ocean Protection Embassy Collective

99 Climate protesters released from Court in Newcastle today with no conviction and no fine. “(They are) valuable contributors to society, persons who are intelligent … and making a real contribution to society” – Magistrate Stephen Olischlager

#signsinthepines 160. Felt like comedy hour when a big, loud man with a big, loud car yelled abuse as he tried to throw a can at us. The strong, gusting wind blew it back and it hit his car before landing a long way from us. Apparently the big, loud man’s drink of choice is rum with a tropical flavour of watermelon, coconut and soda – true story . Consider it a 10c donation to Extinction Rebellion via the recycling program.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion South West Victoria