Extinction Rebellion Mackay and Whitsundays

We are a local group of Extinction Rebellion (XR), which is a decentralised, politically non-partisan movement that uses non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the climate and ecological emergency.


Demands: Tell the Truth | Zero Emissions by 2025 | Citizens’ Assemblies to oversee the transition.

If you are in Brisbane get along to support this action. We need to resist repression at every opportunity and especially now with the climate crises unfolding and climate protesters still lock up in Sydney’s jails. Arrested for allegedly thinking about protesting just a week before climate chaos produced flooding which have devestated parts of Sydney. The irony is is not lost. https://facebook.com/events/s/resist-state-repression-rally-/2907035829600750/

A wave of non-violent rebellion is about to roll across the globe.
On May 2, the wave of rebellion rises across Australia.
Join us at the Autumn Rebellion: ausrebellion.earth/get-involved
Climate breakdown is here.
Catastrophic bushfires, flash floods, extreme drought, water shortages, mass animal extinction, a dead reef.
Lost homes, lost livelihoods, lost lives.
Business as usual is killing us. The earth is too hot and the natural world is dying. We are close to the point of no return for a hothouse earth, risking billions of deaths and the collapse of organised human society.
Only unprecedented emergency action can save us now. But our political system is rigged. Rebellion is our last and best hope.
Mass non-violent civil disobedience is the most effective tool we have to create the systemic changes we need. It’s time to mobilise every part of our communities to build an unstoppable mass movement. Every day of inaction increases the threat to life itself.
✊ From May 2, rise up with us nationwide to demand that our government #TellTheTruth, #ActNow and move the climate and ecological emergency #BeyondPolitics.
We rebel on the stolen land of the first people of this continent, and we stand in solidarity with their 250-year fight for their own country, land, and water.
Australia rises from May 2.
Join us at the Autumn Rebellion: ausrebellion.earth/get-involved
#RiseUp #RebelForLife #AutumnRebellion

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion Mackay and Whitsundays