Extinction Rebellion La Trobe Uni

We are a local group of Extinction Rebellion (XR), which is a decentralised, politically non-partisan movement that uses non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the climate and ecological emergency.


We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. The government has failed to protect us. We engage in civil resistance against this toxic system driving the climate & ecological crisis.

• MURDOCH LIES PLANET DIES • 7 December 2020 • Melbourne CBD •
Rupert Murdoch is driven by two things alone: money and power. He throws around his money to win power, and he wields his power to build his wealth.
Murdoch’s primary method of pulling the strings of our elected officials to do his bidding is through publishing partisan propaganda as if it were news – in outlets like The Oz, Sky News, The Hun and so on. In fact, the effect is so well-known, he usually doesn’t even need to do this. The threat of being targeted by NewsCorp is so well-understood by politicians, that they make sure to act in his interest.
Murdoch denies the facts of climate change
In response to his own son’s recent disavowal of NewsCorp over its climate denialism, Rupert Murdoch said “There are no climate deniers here, I can assure you.”
But this itself is just more denial. Here are some headlines that have run in NewsCorp newspapers over the last ten years or so:
* Sea rise ‘not linked to warming’
* Warmist scare is simply academic
*Climate propaganda parades as science
*Politicians need to ‘wake up to this global warming hoax’
*Latest big climate scare is a sham
*Connection between climate change and bushfires is ‘absurd’
*Let’s not pollute minds with carbon fears
*Warming is good for us
During the Black Summer bushfires, NewsCorp papers were responsible for 84% of articles mentioning arson as a major contributor to the fires.
It’s time for NewsCorp to start telling the truth about the climate and ecological emergency.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion La Trobe Uni