Extinction Rebellion Hills
We are a local group of Extinction Rebellion (XR), which is a decentralised, politically non-partisan movement that uses non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the climate and ecological emergency.
Public page for the Hills XR. We are facing an unprecedented global emergency. The government has failed to protect us. Extinction Rebellion have 3 demands, found here https://rebellion.earth/the-truth/demands/
Some photos of the December Rebellion #climatechange #ClimateEmergency. Disrupt the city ‘We need disruption to end the destruction’ – Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN #climatechange #ClimateAction. We need stronger action of climate change to avoid dangerous climate tipping points. Let’s unite and call for climate action. #ClimateEmergency #stopcoalandgas #ExtinctionRebellion. Come and join us for Climate Cuppa. With the December Rebellion coming up we have lots of actions to plan. Or just come along and have a chat.
Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.
More Information
Lead Group:
Extinction Rebellion Australia
Issue: Climate change
Tags: Movements_Campaigns - Climate action and justice, Movements_Campaigns - Climate action and justice - Extinction Rebellion
Group Status: Active
Years Active: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Geographic Range of Activity: Local
Country: Australia
State/Territory: Victoria
Region: Victoria_Melbourne
Federal Electorate: Casey
Facebook: Extinction Rebellion Hills