Extinction Rebellion Castlemaine

Extinction Rebellion Castlemaine is a sub-group of XR Victoria. Part of the Extinction Rebellion Australia Network. You can find the group's contact email address and postcodes in the XR Vic Local Groups list.


Extinction Rebellion Castlemaine / Mount Alexander Shire. Extinction Rebellion Castlemaine is a sub-group of XR Victoria. Part of the Extinction Rebellion Australia Network. You can find the group’s contact email address and postcodes in the XR Vic Local Groups list.

You can subscribe to emails from XR Castlemaine using the form below. This will also make sure you are subscribed to emails from XR Australia and XR Victoria. Make sure you choose “Yes, opt in to email updates”.

Our Actions
– XR Print Workshop
– Join XR Castlemaine
– XR Castlemaine Christmas Carols
– Tell us a bit more about yourself

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


Tags: ,

Group Status:

Years Active: , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Extinction Rebellion Castlemaine