Dont Frack Katherine

We are a group that is concerned about unconventional oil & gas industry..effects of associated activities & practices, in our river region, & across NT & Australia.


Concerned about unconventional oil & gas industry..effects of associated activities & practices, in our river region, & across NT & Australia.

Petroleum Exploration Permit 220 is about to be granted, allowing fracking to occur near Katherine and Edith Farms.
Objections are due by: Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Please email your objection letters to:
Nicole Manison: [email protected]
And CC the following into your email:
Natasha Fyles, Chief Minister: [email protected]
Lauren Moss, Minister for Environment, Climate Change & Water Security: [email protected]
Jo Hersey, Member for Katherine: [email protected]
Reasons to object:
• Water use
• Water contamination
• The Recommendations made by the NT Fracking Inquiry have not been implemented yet
• Methane emissions and climate change
• Health impacts for locals
• Effects on Tourism
• Noise and light from compression stations and flaring
• Increased traffic carrying dangerous chemicals
• How will they dispose of toxic and/or radioactive waste water and solids?
There has been NO community consultation!
Please send an email, our water is too precious to risk!

This Saturday at Adelaide River Showgrounds!
Minister Manison is planning to approve Petroleum (fracking) Exploration Permit 218 over Litchfield and Tipperary Stations.
Join us to learn what this means and how you can stop it.
Our bores, springs and waterfalls are too precious to risk by fracking!

Join us as we co-host this information night in Adelaide River. Fracking and farming are not compatible!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Facebook: Dont Frack Katherine