Doctors for the Environment James Cook University

James Cook University Doctors for the Environment Australia (JCUDEA) is a student organization that focuses on how the environment impacts health.


James Cook University Doctors for the Environment Australia (JCUDEA) is a student organization that focuses on how the environment impacts health.

Who we are
James Cook University Doctors for the Environment Australia (JCUDEA) is a student organization that focuses on how the environment impacts our personal health. It is based off a national organization Doctors for the Environment Australia. We are a group of like minded individuals who want to bring about awareness on how these environmental factors are impacting our health and what we can do about it.

What we plan to do for 2015
As an organization we will have monthly meetings as well as focus on 2 main goals for this year. The first is to work with other organizations at James Cook University in the area to help volunteer, advocate, learn from and support. There are so many great organizations already established and as a group if we could have members help out with different events an organization is hosting, or go to a talk hosted by an organization to broaden our knowledge we plan to take advantage of that. The second goal is to host Topic Nights which would involve a guest speaker, someone in the medical field, that can talk about how current changes in the environment is impacting our health and the health of future generations and why it matters. As a group we want to be able to educate those in our health profession and community and show them that we are all affected by the environment in some way or another.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Doctors for the Environment


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Facebook: Doctors for the Environment James Cook University