Divers for Climate

Divers for Climate was formed to bring together the global dive community in the fight against climate change


Divers for Climate was formed to bring together the global dive community in the fight against climate change. It was born out of a shared frustration that climate action was not getting enough attention in marine conservation and diving spaces, despite climate change being the largest threat to our ocean. In building this community, we hope to provide a welcoming space for all ocean lovers and advocates to come together, to share and learn about how we, as a passionate global network, can play a key role in reducing emissions around the world.

We are run by a voluntary team of divers, marine scientists and ocean advocates all dedicated to motivating climate action throughout the global dive community. Like many divers, we are travelers and are based all over the world, and we encourage everyone to join us on our mission, no matter where you are or what level of diving you have. As the guardians and watchers of the underwater world, we are responsible for protecting it and the people that depend on it. Together we demand an end to fossil fuels, and call for a just transition and renewable future for all.

Our Mission
Divers for Climate is a community-led initiative that aims to normalize climate conversations and motivate climate action throughout the global dive community and beyond. We know how passionate divers are about the ocean, and we know that if given the right tools and support, the dive community could drive the climate movement forward significantly and contribute to emissions reductions around the world.

Our goals
Rather than hear about climate change in the context of its impacts, our goal is to encourage conversations centered around actions and solutions. Specifically, we hope to facilitate conversations about ways that we can integrate climate action into our daily lives in tangible and sustainable ways.
There are hundreds of thousands of divers and dive centers around the world, many of which are already engaged and excited about protecting the ocean. We hope to make the most of this passionate global network to promote awareness, increase education and motivate action across the globe.
We hope to take away some of the fear and misconception surrounding climate action, and create a well-informed and welcoming community for all. We hope for all divers and ocean activists to not only take climate action, but to be proud about doing so.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Website: Divers for Climate

Facebook: Divers for Climate

Instagram: Divers for Climate