CSG Free Poowong

We are a group who declared Poowong a CSG free town due to the many health, water security and environmental problems directly associated with CSG mining.


Poowong has two Coal Seam Gas (CSG) exploration licences held by ECI Pty Ltd covering the entire township and beyond. Over 95% of residents want Poowong to remain a Coal & CSG free town.

Poowong is a small dairy town located in South Gippsland with a population of approx 650 people. Green rolling hills, beautiful views, a pub, a post office and a footy ground will greet you. Poowong currrently has two CSG exploration licences held by ECI International covering the entire township and beyond. We declare Poowong a CSG free town due to the many health, water security and environmental problems directly associated with CSG mining. We will not allow one CSG well to be drilled in Poowong. In late 2012 we completed surveying all residents in Poowong, Poowong North & Poowong East, asking the question “Do you want Poowong to be coal & coal seam gas free? Yes, No, Unsure.” A resounding majority of 95% of those surveyed said that they do NOT want coal or coal seam gas mining in our region. Poowong became the first town in Victoria to declare ourselves coal and csg free, now joined by many other communities 🙂

In late 2013, Poowong (& Nyora) were removed from the licence area (see map in maps album) proving that people power really works. We still however have a long way to go with much of South Gippsland and other areas of Gippsland still covered in approved licences for coal seam gas, tight gas, shale gas and coal. Contact us at: [email protected] We are a member of Lock the Gate Alliance www.lockthegate.org.au

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Facebook: CSG Free Poowong