Cowra Low Emissions Action Network

The Clean Food 100 Eat Local Challenge is to eat great locally produced food for one week. Can you do it? 19th to 25th January 2008. Choose from 1, 2 or 3 meals a day. The launch will be at Cowra Bowling Club, 16th January at 7pm.


CLEAN Food 100: The Clean Food 100 Eat Local Challenge is to eat great locally produced food for one week. Can you do it? 19th to 25th January 2008. Choose from 1, 2 or 3 meals a day. The launch will be at Cowra Bowling Club, 16th January at 7pm.

CLEAN Food 100
Cowra is full of great, locally produced food. However, we rarely get to sample it. Studies have shown that in Australia, food travels an average of over 2000 Kilometers to get to the dinner table. That means that the average shopping basket travels a whopping 70, 803 km, equivalent to travelling nearly twice around the Earth!!! Click here for the CERES study. The inspiration for the Cowra Food Challenge comes from the 100 Mile Diet. Two Canadians decided to eat locally grown food for a whole year. Check out their website; Locally produced food is fresher, unlikely to be processed, and uses less fossil fuels. Instead of sending food around the globe and back again, we can seek local sources of food and save the planet. In a world of rapidly depleting oil and climate change there is a need to eat locally wherever possible.

Also, eating locally keeps the money in the community, and the farmer gets a higher return rather than a multinational supermarket. So for one week, can you make it through the Cowra Food Challenge? All you have to do is eat locally produced food for at least 1 meal for the week. Easy. Check back here regularly for updates on where to by the food. Signing up for the challenge? Send an email to us and let us know you are in. We will email updates as they come in and never spam you.If you are a business or farmer and want your name listed, email and let us know where people can buy your food during the challenge.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Cowra Low Emissions Action Network