COREM stands for Community-Owned Renewable Energy Mullumbimby. We are a volunteer not-for-profit association, and have been in operation since 2015. Our goal is to help transition the Byron Shire to 100% Renewables with community ownership models, and to be a light house for other communities around Australia. We work on innovative projects that make switching to renewable energy easier, cheaper and more socially-energising. We remove obstacles that stand in the way, across many aspects of the renewable energy system. In 2018, we were a Green Globe Award 2018 Finalist in Community Leadership.
Take a look at our current projects:
– COMMUNITY ROOFTOP SOLAR REVOLVING FUND: Zero-interest loans putting solar systems on the rooftops of community organisations. Contact Greg Bott: [email protected] Funds are now available for your Community Rooftop Project!! To apply complete the on-line form. Good Luck!
– REPOWER BYRON SHIRE: In association with Zero Emissions Byron & Enova Community. A street-by-street campaign helping people switch, reduce and save. Visit:
– MULLUM MINI HYDRO: In the feasibility phase, looking to re-active the century-old hydro power plant at Mullumbimby. Visit:
– SOLAR GARDEN RESEARCH: Supported by Community Power Agency and University Technology Sydney. COREM is a selected participant, with Byron Shire Council, in the national Social Access Solar Garden research and design project. Contact Ella Rose Goninan: [email protected]
– RENEW FEST: Australia’s festival of ecological, economic and social renewal, held in May in Mullumbimby. A renewable energy powered, zero-waste event, with 100% of profits going to COREM projects. Visit:
We are a transparent community group working towards creating 100% community-owned renewable energy for Mullumbimby, with profits benefiting the sustainable development of our community and beyon.d
COREM: Community-Owned Renewable Energy Mullumbimby is a not for profit community action group dedicated to setting up community-owned renewable energy projects in the Mullumbimby area, in the pursuit and promotion of a 100% renewable energy future for the region. The model of community-owned renewable energy:
– increases the amount of renewables in the region,
– allows wider access to renewable energy,
– offers community ownership
– celebrates and empowered by community engagement
– invests profits paid back to the community for more sustainable and renewable energy projects, ever increasing the community benefit.
Everyone benefits – including the earth and future generations!
COREM is run by local volunteers who are actively engaged in a number of Community-Owned Renewable Energy projects in the Mullumbimby area. We welcome membership and all forms of support as we go about the mission to achieve our vision.
How COREM came about
COREM was born out of the community coming together in July 2014 after the success of the Bentley campaign in stopping Metgasgo’s gas drilling operation. We wanted to discuss ways that Mullumbimby can take action, responsibility and inspire leadership in our sustainable future. An energy group was formed: inspired by Mullumbimby last century being run on renewable power, a hydro-electric power station. This elevated our spirits and vision, filling us with a wonderful confidence of “its been done before, so it can be done again”! The new community-owned renewable projects emerging in Australia, such as the Hepburn Community Wind Farm, Repower Shoalhaven, Clean Energy for Eternity, and CORENA, that all provide community benefits and grants for more sustainable projects, further empowered our belief in our vision of Mullumbimby running on 100% renewable energy. From that initial day and meeting, a core group of local passionate people formed COREM. We successfully received funding from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage to plan our first community-owned renewable project in collaboration with Byron Shire Council. We are also developing donation-based projects that will in turn provide income to help fund more local renewable energy projects.