Coalition for Conservation

Coalition for Conservation (C4C) is an independent charity promoting conservative voices in the environmental movement in Australia and overseas. We engage with policymakers in order to build bipartisan support for the action required to address climate change whilst supporting the economy.


C4C is the forum for conservatives who support conservation and decarbonisation. Coalition for Conservation (C4C) is an independent charity promoting conservative voices in the environmental movement in Australia and overseas. We engage with policymakers in order to build bipartisan support for the action required to address climate change whilst supporting the economy. (Read HERE our comprehensive fact sheet on the opportunities offered by a low emissions future, with fact-based evidence of the significant economic benefits for our nation). C4C at COP26: C4C led a delegation of Australian MPs to attend COP26 in Glasgow. Alongside COP, we have partnered with the UK Conservative Environment Network and the American Conservation Foundation to host the Global Conservative Climate Summit gathering prominent politicians and thought leaders from around the globe to discuss and advocate for a conservative approach to climate change. Watch the opening of GCCS by The Rt Hon Theresa May HERE.

Our MPs signed the world’s first Centre Right Climate Action Declaration, coinciding with the anniversary of Margaret Thatcher’s landmark 1989 UN global environment speech. The declaration has been signed by 300 legislators from 50 centre- right political parties in 46 countries, including Australian National and Liberal MPs. The safeguarding of precious natural resources has always been a key feature of conservative governments. We believe that the environment should be front and centre of policy discussions. Transitioning to cleaner energy and improving sustainable practices is not only good policy, but makes economic sense and is essential for our people’s future.

We coordinate environmental action by organising events, policy discussions and policy submissions covering:
– Waste and water management
– Renewables & clean technologies
– Green transport
– Decarbonisation of heavy industry
– Sustainable agriculture
– Biodiversity

Watch Liberal MP for Wentworth Dave Sharma talk about soil carbon, national security and a more ambitious agenda to tackle climate change HERE. In addition to our broader work, we have two sub-groups: one focused on reducing emissions (Coalition for Climate Action) and one dedicated to the voices of young people (Youth for Conservation). Right now, as state and Federal Governments face the challenges of the COVID-19 health and economic crises, C4C is focused on finding opportunities to advocate for Government support for clean technology and sustainable practices in the economic stimulus and recovery packages. We also collaborate with like-minded partners on events and reports on an ad hoc basis, which often involves sponsorship funding. If you’re interested in working with C4C on a future project or event then please do get in touch!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Coalition for Conservation

Facebook: Coalition for Conservation

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Instagram: Coalition for Conservation