Coal Free Southern Highlands Inc is a community organisation passionate about protecting the NSW Southern Highlands from the ravages of coal mining.
Click here to go to NSW Planning & Environment’s page on the project. This is where you will find not only Hume Coal’s EIS documents, you can also view submissions made and track the process
Hume Coal – wholly owned by the Korean steelmaker POSCO – want to open and operate an underground coal mine in Sutton Forest. This mine is in the wrong place – and here’s just a few reasons why:
Hume Coal want to use an experimental mining process not yet proven, with potential safety issues.
There will be 4 x fully laden coal trains going through the Highlands every day (actually 8 if you count the empty ones returning), through a pristine area and on a network that’s already at capacity.
Promised jobs won’t go to locals – and more importantly local jobs in hospitality, tourism and ALL the businesses that support them will disappear.No-one will want to visit a region ravaged by mining.
Hume Coal have no respect whatsoever for the rights of landowners as shown by their outright bullying of landowners to date. Not to mention their misleading & deceptive behaviour used to buy up key properties in the region.
We WILL NOT sit back and wait until there is no groundwater, the river is poisoned, the koalas and platypus have disappeared never to be seen again, there are huge coal trains trundling through our villages every day, children are mysteriously developing respiratory illnesses, and the Highlands are irreparably destroyed. We WILL NOT let ourselves become the next environmental disaster. We can, we must, and WE WILL do whatever is necessary to protect the Highlands, your way of life, and your water.