Our vision is an empowered Australia-Pacific that is resilient to the impacts of climate change. In pursuit of our vision, Climates works in deep collaboration with its partners and mates across the Pacific Islands, including 350 Pacific and the Climate Action Networks (TuCAN, VCAN and PICAN) in support of projects which help realise local visions of climate change resilience. We recognise the important work that is already being led by our partners and Pacific communities to build adaptive capacity and resilience to climate impacts. Climates does not wish to compete with these efforts, and instead exists as a resource that community and civil society can look to for funding, capacity building, or ad hoc support in pursuit of our shared visions.
Focus areas
● Capacity building, through free support services for Pacific-based NGOs and CSOs building climate resilience
● Crowdfunding & Grants, for partners and Pacific communities, granted quickly, without onerous reporting requirements
● Elevating Pacific Voices, including stories and experiences on climate action, climate justice, and resilience
Climates is based on Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia. But our focus is on the Pacific Islands where we have been working with our Pacific mates since 2015. We collaborate with Pacific peoples and organisations to elevate the voices of those who experience the most significant consequences of climate change in the region. Read Climates Strategic Plan 2023-2026 to read about our focus areas over the next few years.