Climate Whistelblower’s Blog

The Climate Whistleblowers are a diverse group of young people who are disaffected with the lack of meaningful action in regards to this climate crisis and have decided that the time for action has come.


The Climate Whistleblowers are a diverse group of young people who are disaffected with the lack of meaningful action in regards to this climate crisis and have decided that the time for action has come. With a range of innovative actions, campaigns and stunts the Whistleblowers aim to cut through spin, inform and lobby for action against climate change that is commensurate with the urgency of the crisis. We do not support any particular political party. We are merely globally aware and ethically motivated ANU students. We began as a group of friends who were fed up with the lack of significant government leadership on the most pressing issue facing the future of our world today and thought it was time to add our voices and actions to the public debate.

Three main objectives:
Raise the profile and draw public attention to the real threats posed by climate change to the future of our world.
Exert pressure on our politicians to ensure they seriously consider the challenge to the world climate change poses and develop effective and ambitious public policy to meet that challenge in a way that ensures the safety of our planet.
Provide ANU students with an avenue to externalise their concerns about the future of our climate through facilitating effective, empowering, and importantly, safe, public protest.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Federal Electorate:


Website: Climate Whistelblower’s Blog