Climate Resilience Network

We are a Tasmanian network of mental health professionals, wellbeing practitioners and community members with an interest in fostering psychological wellbeing in these challenging times of climate and ecological disruption.


We are a Tasmanian network of mental health professionals, wellbeing practitioners and community members with an interest in fostering psychological wellbeing in these challenging times of climate and ecological disruption. Our members bring together perspectives from a range disciplines, with a shared commitment to learning and addressing the psychological impacts of climate disruption and biodiversity loss. We welcome new members. If you would like to join our network or get in touch for more information, please contact us via [email protected].

Our Guiding Principles
We acknowledge:
1. The scientific consensus on climate change and the need for urgent action.
2. That climate change threatens human health, and mental health in particular, especially for vulnerable groups including children and First Nations people.
3. Mental Health professionals have an important role in responding to this, as do a broad range of other community groups and professions.
As a group we aim to:
1. Work collaboratively with others in the field .
2. Take an evidence based approach, with a focus on positive coping strategies which build individual and community resilience.
3. Increase practitioner awareness and skill in supporting individuals with climate related distress.
4. Help those needing support to find suitable providers and relevant information.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Website: Climate Resilience Network

Facebook: Climate Resilience Network