Climate Justice Program

We were the world's first nonprofit organisation entirely dedicated to using the law to combat climate change, and continue to be a global leader.


The Climate Justice Programme (CJP) is an independent not for profit, non-government organisation that uses the law to expose environmental and human rights issues relating to climate change. We are a group of lawyers, academics and campaigners who support the development and execution of strategic initiatives to address global climate change. We seek to raise awareness and engagement in climate law through long standing global networks of lawyers and international organisations. The CJP was the first program globally that has been established with the sole purpose to work collaboratively with lawyers, campaigners and scientists in this innovative field. The CJP was first established in 2003 by pioneering climate justice lawyers Peter Roderick and Roda Verheyen. The CJP does not accept funding, gifts or donations from any major greenhouse gas emitters or producers.

What is our Vision? We use the law to fight for climate justice.
What is our Mission? We use the law to hold corporations accountable for their contribution to the climate emergency.
What are our values? Our value are:
‣ Climate justice;
‣ Social justice;
‣ Human rights;
‣ Creativity, innovation and excellence;
‣ Working in partnership;
‣ Inclusiveness, respect and self-determination;
‣ Leading by example;
‣ Social responsibility as an organisation;
‣ Environmental sustainability;
‣ Diversity and equality;
‣ Respect for Indigenous peoples.

How can you contribute?
There are lots of ways that you can contribute to climate justice, whether you are a lawyer, a law student or a concerned member of the community. We were the world’s first nonprofit organisation entirely dedicated to using the law to combat climate change, and continue to be a global leader. We are lawyers, community members and activists who believe in the pursuit of climate justice, through the development of climate law. The Climate Justice Programme has been fighting for climate justice since 2003. The climate emergency poses unprecedented threats to the rights of present and future generations, and to the rights of animals and to the rights of Nature. We’re advocating for a climate justice approach. The Climate Justice Programme commissioned the groundbreaking Carbon Majors report. While the Carbon Majors earn trillions in profits, the true costs of fossil fuels are borne by the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Climate Justice Program

Facebook: Climate Justice Program

Youtube: Climate Justice Program

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