Climate Justice Collective Canberra

Climate Justice Collective is a national grassroots organising network demanding a radical, progressive Green New Deal for Australia - one that foregrounds racial, economic, environmental and social justice.


Climate Justice Collective is a national grassroots organising network demanding a radical, progressive Green New Deal for Australia – one that foregrounds racial, economic, environmental and social justice.

Hi Canberra comrades! CJC Canberra will be tabling at Community Shapers’ Community Get Together this afternoon, would love to see you there

Here’s a succinct explainer of the context around the Green New Deal in the USA and how we might start to think about the concept in Australia.…/nuts-and-bolts-of-an…#

This is an incredibly rich conversation on democracy, climate change, and things to be hopeful about. Have a listen then come and join us at King Os this afternoon, 3-5 to talk about how we can create everyday democracy in Canberra…/is-democracy-an…/11248040

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Climate Justice Collective


Group Status:

Years Active:

Geographic Range of Activity:




Federal Electorate:


Website: Climate Justice Collective Canberra

Facebook: Climate Justice Collective Canberra