Climate 200

Climate 200 support political candidates committed to climate action and integrity.


We support political candidates committed to climate action and integrity. Join the movement today.

Australia’s political system is too broken to tackle climate change, and big polluters are determined to keep it that way. But we have a plan. We level the playing field. We back local communities who want to ditch stale politicians and elect fresh independent voices instead. Taking on major parties is hard. So at the upcoming federal election, we’re raising funds to support up to a dozen underdog candidates who stand for cleaning up politics and following the science on climate change. Together, we can make it happen. We wish money didn’t matter in politics, but it does Major parties can spend over $1m campaigning in a single electorate (there are 151). Often it’s polluting coal, oil, and gas companies writing the cheques. And then there’s the pork barreling, rorts, taxpayer-funded ads… and Clive Palmer, who spent $89m to manipulate the last election! No wonder Australian Parliament has been unable to tackle climate change. But there’s hope. Something incredible happened last election.In Sydney, local independent Zali Steggall took on Tony Abbott and won. Fellow independent Helen Haines was elected in Indi, Rebekha Sharkie won in Mayo, Andrew Wilkie was reelected in Clark, and Kerryn Phelps came within a few thousand votes of retaining Wentworth. In Parliament, Helen introduced an Integrity Act to create a federal anti-corruption commission. Zali introduced a Climate Act that was endorsed by climate scientists and the business community. Both are just a few votes short of becoming law.

A critical tipping point is within reach at the upcoming federal election. At the moment, the Morrison Government has a margin of just one vote in Parliament. It means they can dodge scrutiny, and block climate action. But if just a handful more fresh independents succeed at the next federal election, together they could have enough votes to finally force meaningful climate action and clean up politics. It was the strong crossbench of Tony Windsor, Rob Oakeshott, Andrew Wilkie and Adam Bandt who helped deliver a price on carbon during the Gillard Government. They also gave us the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which have made strong contributions to accelerating climate action in Australia ever since.

We know this plan can work. At the 2019 Federal Election, Climate 200 raised nearly $500,000 and backed 12 values-aligned candidates, including Helen Haines, Kerryn Phelps, Rebekha Sharkie, Julia Banks, and Oliver Yates. The experience taught us a lot. It taught us how to spot communities that can take on political Goliaths and win. It also taught us that we need to aim higher this election, because some campaigns were so badly outspent by their major party opponents. ‍That’s why we’re asking you to join us. Every dollar you give goes either directly or indirectly to support local campaigns and candidates. Climate 200’s administrative costs are covered by a small group of founding donors. They pay for our small team of strategists, whose job it is to maximise the impact of your contribution by finding and supporting the most strategic campaigns.

Climate 200 was born out of the realisation that we cannot stand on the sidelines and let climate science denial and vested interests delay meaningful action on climate change. Climate 200 was established in the lead up to the 2019 federal election by a group of concerned Australians who realised we cannot stand on the sidelines and let climate science denial and vested interests delay meaningful action on climate change.Our vision is a Federal Parliament where a clear majority of MPs back decisive, science-based climate action, and have the courage and vision to seize the incredible economic opportunity decarbonisation presents to Australia.

What we do
This election, we see the community independents movement as the most strategic and impactful avenue for achieving progress in these areas. Around the country, over 30 grassroots community groups have formed with the objective of supporting pro-climate, pro-integrity and pro-gender equality independents. We are aiming to raise at least $5 million to help level the playing field for 10-12 high quality, values-aligned candidates. Our support is being provided through the following activities:
‍1. Strategic communications to support community independents and position them as an effective, credible and desirable solution to breaking the deadlock in Australian politics.
‍2. Analytics + engagement to identify the best values-aligned campaigns in the most strategic electorates, and support them with the data and research they need to run effective and efficient campaigns.
‍3. Capacity building + tactical support to ensure community groups and their candidates have the tools, strategies, and expertise needed to win.
‍4. Direct funding to candidates with the best chances of success or highest strategic impact.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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